Monday, January 24, 2022

Answer following questions. (A thing of beauty, Aunt Jennifer's tigers)-- Do these questions in your note book.

 Q.1 Which things bring disappointment according to John Keats? (SA)

Q.2 What are the beautiful things which according to Keats heal our body and soul ? (SA)

Q.3 How does Keats use all his senses while talking about beautiful things? (LA)

Q.4 What metaphor has Keats used for beauty in the last two lines of the poem? What is the rational behind using the metaphor? (SA)

Q.5 List all the poetic devices used in the poem 'A thing of beauty'? (LA)

Q.6 Why has grandeur been associated with 'mighty dead'? (SA)


Q.1 Why is aunt Jennifer weaving tigers?  (SA)

Q.2 How are aunt Jennifer's tigers different from aunt Jennifer? (LA)

Q.3 What happens after aunt Jennifer is dead? (SA)

Q.4 List all the poetic devices used in the poem. (LA)

Q.5 Oppression and violence against women have been a world wide issue.  How does the poem 'Aunt Jennifer's tigers' bring forth this issue ? (LA)

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Class 11 First UT 2023-24