Wednesday, May 6, 2020

#70 Class-9 The sound of music part-2 (06/05/2020)

Study the last three pages and answer the questions those follow--

Q.1 What happened when Bismillah's mother took him to his maternal uncle's house when he was three years' old?

Q.2 Where would Bismillah go with Ali Bux, his uncle?

Q.3 How did flowing waters of Ganga help Bismillah?

Q.4 How did Ustad Faiyaz Khan motivate Bismillah at Allahabad Music Conference?

Q.5 When did a big break come into the life of Bismillah? How did it affect his life?

           (Some more questions to be uploaded tomorrow)

#69 Class 12 Lost spring (06/05/2020)

Study the remaining pages of the lesson and answer following questions---

Q.1 What does Mukesh's grandmother mean when she says, 'It is his Karam, his destiny'?

     (Clues--- She means the father of Mukesh is doing what the almighty God has ordered, it is the fruit of his karams, his destiny has born him in the family of bangle makers that's why he is doing the work of bangles only.)

Q.2 What is 'God-given lineage'?
       (Clues-- Ancient India, old system of four Varnas-- Brahmin,Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Their professions are decided as per the family where they take birth, the profession of bangle-making ordered to them by God, the Karam of their destiny, can't disobey the orders of God.
'Lineage' means ancestry therefore 'God given lineage' means 'God given ancestry'. )

Q.3 What makes the city of Firozabad famous?

Q.4 Mention the hazards of working in glass bangles industry.

       (Clues-- high temperature, near furnaces, dingy cells, develop breathing problems, losing eyesight, eyes more adjusted to darkness than light)

Q.5 How is Mukesh's attitude different from that of his family?

       (Clues-- Family members believe in God-given lineage, Mukesh very courageous, wants to break the God given lineage, wants to become a motor-mechanic, family members seem to be accepting everything, he wants to do anything for his dream.)

                    (Some more questions to be uploaded tomorrow)

Class 11 First UT 2023-24