Sunday, March 13, 2022

Evans Tries An O-Level (13/03/22)

 Short Questions

1. What did the Governor tell the Secretory of the board examination about Evans?

2. Why was Evans called 'Evans the break'?

3. What was the importance of Evans's  statement 'I may surprise everybody'?

4. Why did Jackson allow Evans to wear his filthy woollen hat? How did it help Evans further?

5. What paraphernalia did Mcleery come with for taking the examination?

6. Why was Mcleery searched thoroughly before the examination commenced?

7. What explanation did Mcleery give for bringing semi- inflated rubber ring?

8. When was the examination supposed to start? Why did it start late?

9. When did the Governor receive a call from the examination board after the examination started? What was this call for? How did the Governor react to that?

10. Why was there a call from the Magistrate's court? How did Evans react to that?

11. Why did Evans request for a blanket?

Long Questions

1. 'Evans' escaping plan was a mind play also.' Interpret the statement.

2. 'Rehabilitation of criminals sometimes defeat it's noble purpose.' Interpret the statement.

3. How did Evans manage to run away from the Governor's custody?

4. The Governor was good-for-a-giggle, gullible. Draw a character-sketch of the Governor in the light of above statement.

5. 'It is mainly a battle of wits between crime and punishment.' Elaborate the statement with reference to the lesson.

Class 11 First UT 2023-24