Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Q.11 Unit-2 The Address -- Answer following questions. (Wait for the more questions to appear)

Q.1 How did the woman receive her guest?
Q.2 How did the guest confirm that she had come at the right address?
Q.3 A musty smell emerged....
      (i) Where was the musty smell coming from?
      (ii) What kind of smell might it be?
Q.4 What was the address?
Q.5 How did the guest reach at the address?
Q.6 What did the author's mother tell her about Mrs. Dorling?
Q.7 Why did the author's mother allow Mrs. Dorling to take away her precious things with her?
Q.8 How did the author come to know about the address of Mrs. Dorling?
Q.9 Why was the author not interested initially in her mother's things after liberation?
Q.10 Why had the author come to the address of Mrs. Doring after so many days?
Q.11 Who received the author when she reached the house of Mrs. Dorling the second time?
Q.12 Why did the author's family not use the iron candle-holder?
Q.13 How was the daughter of Mrs. Dorling different from her mother in hospitality?
Q.14 What do you understand by the line 'I was in a room I knew and did not know'.
Q.15 Why did the author leave the house of Mrs. Dorling without meeting her?

Class 11 First UT 2023-24