Sunday, May 3, 2020

#64 Class 12 Lost Spring (02/05/2020)

Hello students,

Good morning.

Read the last part of Saheb's account and answer the questions given below----

Q.1 How is the importance of garbage different for adults and children different in Seemapuri?

 (Clues-- Garbage for adults-- essential to be alive, source of livelihood
Garbage for children-- more than source of livelihood, centre of excitement, sometimes he and his friends find coins, notes in the garbage)

Q.2 Which game does Saheb like to play? How does he use the neighbourhood club to play the game?

Q.3 Where has Saheb got his tennis shoes from?

Q.4 Why is Saheb not happy working at the tea-stall?

 (Clues--Saheb a rag picker previously, changes his profession, works in a tea-stall and is paid 800 rupees and all his meals, no more his master, working under somebody, previously worked as per his will and time but in tea stall strict schedule, no longer his master.)

(Note-- 'The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag' This sentence means that the steel canister has the heaviness of slavery. When he had a plastic bag, he was his own master, he had the wings of freedom. The steel canister has the heaviness of slavery.)

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