Monday, September 16, 2019

Q.19 Class XI Read the lesson "Albert Einstein at school" and answer following questions---

Q.1 How did Einstein react to the question of his history teacher?
Q.2 Why does Einstein think that learning facts is not education?
Q.3 What did Einstein tell about his theory of education?
Q.4 How did Mr. Braun react to Einstein theory of education?
Q.5 What complaint did Einstein have with his locality?
Q.6 Who was Elsa? What did she tell Albert about passing the examination?
Q.7 What did Albert like?
Q.8 Why did Albert want a fake medical certificate? (C.W.)
Q.9 Why did Albert want to leave Munich?
Q.10 What did the doctor say after giving him the desired certificate?
Q.11 Who was Mr. Koch? What did Albert want from him?
Q.12 Why did Mr. Koch write the reference note so easily, desired by Albert?
Q.13 Why did the headmaster call Albert? What was Albert's reaction?

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Class 11 First UT 2023-24